Connecticut D-STAR Repeater Providers


CDG (CT D-STAR Group) KB1UHS in Durham, CT co-sponsored with PVRA
KD1STR in Salem, CT co-sponsored with the Amateur Wireless Association of SE CT. (AWASEC)-W1DX
N1CNV & WA1IXU W1XU repeater system in Bristol, CT
PVRA (Pioneer Valley Repeater Assoc.) AA1HD repeater system in Vernon, CT
KB1UHS repeater in East Haddem, CT co-sponsored with CTG
W1HDN repeater in West Warwick, RI.
S.A.R.A (Southington Amateur Radio Assoc.) W1ECV repeaters in Meriden, CT
GNARC (Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Club) W1NLK repeater in Norwalk, CT

Links - Your Source for D-Star Digital Information


DSTAR Web Calculator - Generate entries for your D-STAR radio


D-PRS Message Calculator - Calculates the necessary GPS message to use your ICOM radio in GPS mode with D-PRS 

WY1U's D-Star Query Page - Check D-STAR repeater or station status

WY1U's DPRS Radio Setup Page - Explains how to program your radio to transmit DPRS This site is dedicated to helping D-STAR users world wide. From basic information on what D-STAR is to detailed technical information, This site can hopefully solve any of your cravings!


AB5N Microphone Upgrades if you want to have a really great sounding mode done to your mic, AB5N Bob Nagy Upgrades Icoms Microphones for premium audio.


D-STAR by Dr. John A. Allocca, WB2LUA A nicely written "how to" by Dr. John A. Allocca, WB2LUA